Adams & Associates Disability

Can I Lose My Disability Benefits?

Short Answer: YES!

Periodically Social Security reviews your case to see if you are still disabled.  This is called a CDR which stands for “Continuing Disability Review.” It is important that you understand what a CDR is and how to prepare for it. 

A CDR is a continuing disability review that Social Security performs periodically in order to ensure that, after you have received SSI or SSDI benefits, you are still disabled and entitled to those benefits.  Social Security normally reviews cases every 1½ to 3 years but it depends on the severity and permanency of your condition.  

If you can show that you continue to have a medical condition that keeps you from working and you are under medical care, your benefits will likely continue.  Over 90% of adults who undergo CDR’s have their benefits continued.  If you follow these tips that I’ve given you, the odds of you losing your benefits will be reduced.

If you receive paperwork from Social Security about a continuing disability review, here is a link to a good website that provides insightful information about how to complete CDR forms, how to document your claim and what to expect:

If you know anyone who may need Social Security disability benefits, please give them my number, forward this email to them or click the links below that will share on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

I will listen to them and let them know if they have a good case or not. Remember, I never charge for consultations.  And there is never a fee unless we win.

Take care and God bless! 

Randy Adams, Certified ADR
Adams & Associates Disability, Inc.

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And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly before your God.”  Micah 6:

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