Adams & Associates Disability

Exciting Changes from the Social Security Administration

These changes may have significant impact especially with regard to past work in the past five years. Listen to my video below.

Exciting new changes from Social Security that you need to know

Beginning June 9, 2024, Social Security has announced that they will be changing how they consider a claimant’s past relevant work when adjudicating the claim. Previously, when we went to a Social Security hearing or when Social Security was evaluating the case, they would need to determine if you could return to any of your work that you had performed in the last 15 years. Now, they will only consider if you could return to work to any job that you had performed in the last five (5) years. While this may be difficult to understand, in plain English, it means that fewer people will be denied SSDI benefits just because they had an easier or lighter job that they had performed over six years ago, or before the claim was adjudicated. If your claim was denied within the last 10 years, because the decision said that you could return to work in some job that you had done in the past, please give me a call. I will take a look at your case to see if you may qualify for benefits under the new rule. I’ve included a link below that will direct you to a Social Security announcement regarding this new, exciting benefit.

Because of Issues with Social Security, we are experiencing significant delays in the processing of claims.    There is a backlog of claims that have been delayed at the initial application and reconsideration levels.  Please don’t get discouraged.  We are doing all we can to help Social Security process claims more quickly.

If you know anyone who may need Social Security disability benefits, please share this article with them and give them my number,


I will listen to them and help them understand Social Security Disability and if they may qualify. Remember, I never charge for consultations, and there is never a fee unless we win.

Take care and God bless! 

Randy Adams, Accredited Disability Advocate

“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly before your God.”  Micah 6:8

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