How will the Trump administration affect Social Security? Nothing is certain. Every time I research one website and get one view; I can look at another website and get a totally different view. Click the image below to watch the video to get some insights into what I’ve learned.
President-elect Donald Trump has promised to protect Social Security. I do not foresee any major changes in the next 4 years. I do not foresee any cuts in benefits. Any changes are probably going to be more internal. It appears that Pres. Trump will be trying to improve government service efficiency by overhauling federal employee management and government worker productivity. How and if this will be instituted is simply not known. The goal is to make government services more cost-efficient and improve public services.
The people we work with at the district offices are vital to helping us serve you better. They are under a lot of pressure right now because of personnel cuts. Please be patient and kind.
I’ve been working with Social Security since 1990. Since it is a federal program, it will always be affected by political issues. Some good and some bad. I have heard since 1990 that Social Security is going to run out of money in the next few years. It has never happened. I believe that the federal government, Republicans or Democrats, are committed to making good on the promises that they have made to the American citizen.
Have great 2025 and may God bless America.
Because of Issues with Social Security, we are experiencing significant delays in the processing of claims. There is a backlog of claims that have been delayed at the initial application and reconsideration levels. Please don’t get discouraged. We are doing all we can to help Social Security process claims more quickly.
If you know anyone who may need Social Security disability benefits, please give them my number,
forward this email to them, or click the links below that will share on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.
I will listen to them and help them understand Social Security Disability and if they may qualify. Remember, I never charge for consultations, and there is never a fee unless we win.
I work for you. I am your advocate! If you have concerns, please contact me.
We are “A Voice for the Disabled”
Take Care and God Bless
Randy Adams, ADR
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 888-551-1190
“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly before your God.” Micah 6:8